Press Release

Announcement of publication of “Integrated Report 2023”

  • November 2nd, 2023
  • Sustainability
Aichi Tokei Denki has been providing information about its medium to long-term initiatives and sustainability through its website and other methods.
This time, we have issued the “Integrated Report” to further understanding among stakeholders about Aichi Tokei Denki’s goal, which is integrating measurement and IoT technologies to contribute to changing society for the better.

In the report, we communicate the medium to long-termefforts we are carrying out to realize our corporate philosophy of “continue to create new value (‘Creativity’), serve customers and society (‘Service’), and continue to win
‘Reliability’ from all,” and present our approach to solving our challenges by clarifying the value creation story we depict in order to contribute to a sustainable society, as well as material issues and goals for them.

I hope this report will help you better understand the Aichi Tokei Denki Group.  Integrated Report 2023 Cover

"Integrated Report 2023" can be downloaded in PDF format from the URL below.


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