Aichi Tokei Denki Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, President and CEO: Kenji Kunishima) has been certified as a Excellent Health Management Corporation 2024.
In July 2020, Aichi Watch formulated the "Health Declaration" based on the belief that the realization of our management philosophy of "Trust, Creativity, and Service" and the growth of the company will be achieved if each and every employee is healthy in mind and body and is able to exercise their individuality and abilities. Since then, we have been working to create a workplace environment and culture in which employees can work vigorously. We were able to receive certification again this year in recognition of our efforts.
The company, labor union, and health insurance association will continue to work together to improve physical and mental health and work-life balance.
【What is the Certification System for Excellent Health Management Corporations】
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council recognize corporations that consider and strategically address employee health management from a managerial perspective.
*Health Management is a registered trademark of the NPO Kenko Kanri Kenkyukai. 。