Aichi Tokei Denki Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, President and CEO: Kenji Kunishima) has recently entered into a naming rights agreement for Atsuta Aichi Tokei 120 (Ichinimaru) Stadium (Atsuta Jingu Park Baseball Stadium, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya City). We would like to inform you that we have reached an agreement with Aichi Prefecture regarding the update.
We first acquired the naming rights to "Atsuta Jingu Park Baseball Stadium" in April 2018 to commemorate our 120th anniversary, and many people have become familiar with the stadium. We have also worked to create communication with the local community through co-sponsoring catch-ball classes and baseball tournaments.
With the renewal of this contract, we hope to contribute to the local community by supporting the facilities of a public facility and to continue to make the community and those who use the facility more familiar with it.
Contract Details
Nickname of facility: Atsuta Aichitokei 120 (Ichiniimaru) Stadium
Contract period: April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2027 (3 years)