Updated the movie of our Smart Meter, Battery-Powered Electromagnetic Water Meter SU


We are pleased to announce the update of our Smart Meter, Battery-Powered Electromagnetic Water Meter SU.
The updated movie with the narration in English supports you to understand the main feature and advantage of SU.

SU is an ideal for a wide variety of bulk flow metering applications, such as network monitoring, leakage detection and commercial billing.
SU is simple, accurate and robust using Aichi smart technology.
For the details, please see


>Products|Electromagnetic Water Meter SU

>YouTube|Electromagnetic Water Meter|Aichitokei


Main feature:
10-year battery life with a sampling rate of 0.5 seconds, waterproof rating IP68, light body, available in sizes 40mm to 300mm.
Compliant to OIML R49/ISO4064, compatible with AMR/AMI & data logging devices, SACADA systems.


SU featuring Aichi smart technology will support you to open the doors for future generations.