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Water supply applications
Many water utilities in the world challenge in improving the water management such as non-revenue water reduction, efficient use of water resources, safe & stable drinking water distribution and so on. Collecting the accurate meter data is essential for this improvement. The Aichi Tokei Denki SD Single-jet Water Meter is suitable for this application because it is not only accurate but also cost-effective & robust.
Natural gas supply applications
Intelligent diaphragm gas meters in which safety devices are built, with creative ideas and advanced technological capabilities nurtured in the land of Japan.Our gas meters contribute to your safety life for everyday.When your gas meter detects a problem with the gas flow, such as following, it automatically stops the gas supply.
Metering (Billing purpose)
Many water utilities in the world challenge in improving the water management such as non-revenue water reduction, efficient use of water resources, safe & stable drinking water distribution and so on. Collecting the accurate meter data is essential for this improvement. The Aichi Tokei Denki SD Single-jet Water Meter is suitable for this application because it is not only accurate but also cost-effective & robust.
Intelligent diaphragm gas meters in which safety devices are built, with creative ideas and advanced technological capabilities nurtured in the land of Japan.Our gas meters contribute to your safety life for everyday.When your gas meter detects a problem with the gas flow, such as following, it automatically stops the gas supply.
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